Saturday, February 14, 2009


I have been thinking over this question since last week. What is the purpose of my life? Why am I brought here? What am I supposed to acheive?

For many things in life that we do, we usually look for a purpose or an objective in doing so or even ask ourselves why am i doing it?Like even in writing composition we need a purpose, in solving a math problem we need to know what we have to acheive at the end of it .

Actually i haven't really been thinking for the whole week about this question. Just remembered this when i was quietly sitting in church waiting for mass to start. and also when someone spoke about purpose today again.

It might be a short, 7 word question. and might seem easy to answer at first. but after thinking for a few seconds you might start getting puzzled. that's what happened to me.

This question really needs a lot of reflection and looking back at what we have done. and also what we are going to do.

I am still thinking about this one. maybe will let you know when i've found the answer

1 comment:

Me said...

I dont think there is a definite purpose in ppl's life.

well for me i dun really know of what the purpose is, just focus on the main goal that you want to achieve. you need to find out where ur passion is then you know what to achieve. i guess what u want 2 achieve in ur life become the purpose of ur life eventually

b4 finding the purpose of ur life, better work hard 4 o level 1st!
